Saturday 15 November 2014

It was all so much more fun because it was with you..

Happy Birthday Eeshaan!

Let me start by saying this - I Love You. More than anything.

Its been more than 10 years that we have known each other and I still feel that there is so much I need to learn from you. I admire your intelligence and your awesomeness (even though I still hate you for telling my dad that you were 85% confident of cracking the JEE :D )

You have always been there for me, however far we have been. I know that whatever happens, I can always count on you.

All the shit that we have been through, those are such sweet memories now. I still can't forget the time when we thought that Samit Basu was dead and we had to write the ending of the GameWorld trilogy. Hahahaha.. those discussions in the park were something. I've been really lucky to have a friend like you. There is so much more that is in store for us in future. I hope you get a big-ass job with a fat-ass salary and come stay in Bangalore. Can't wait for that. :)

I still remember the kind of noobs we were when it came to girls! Just so crazy when you think about it now. As our talks, dreams and aspirations :P. It was all so much more fun because it was with you.

When I think about it, you have been more than just a best friend. You are my brother. There is just so much love pouring out for you right now. Get done with your course fast so that we can meet up and party hard. And yes, don't worry. I'll let you pay for everything.

Happy Birthday once again, bro!


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